Quiet Pride (daughter)
There has never been a day when I have not been proud of you, I said to my daughter, though some days I’m louder about other stuff so it’s easy to miss that.
Quiet Pride (No Gender)
There has never been a day when I have not been proud of you, I said, though some days I’m louder about other stuff so it’s easy to miss that.
Quiet Prayer
As long as the sun shall rise goes the old lovers vow. But we are children of a scientific age & have no time for poetry. Still, I offer a quiet prayer of thanks for the sunlight each time I see your face.
Quiet Little Films
finally has figured out there aren’t enough quiet little British films around to protect her from the real world
Quiet Dance
Her feet moved like small creatures over the floor, quiet & unconcerned with anything but the business of dancing.
Quick Service
He said being invisible wasn’t so bad except when you’re trying to get quick service.
Quick Hider
The only reason my cat’s still with me, she said, is that he hides quicker than everybody else.
Queen of the Universe
I used to hate birthdays, she told me, until I figured out I was the Queen of the Universe & now I do them for the little people.
Put Together
don’t be fooled by appearances he was all put together when I sent him out 10 minutes ago
Purple Madonna
One time on Hollywood Boulevard I saw a young girl with a baby. It was a crisp winter morning & her hair shone dark purple in the sun. She was panhandling outside the Holiday Inn & the door clerk came out & told her to be on her way & I wondered if anyone would recognize the Christ child if they happened to meet. I remember thinking it’s not like there are any published pictures & purple seemed like a good color for a Madonna so I gave her a dollar just in case.
Public Radio
He only gets vicious when he watches too much tv, so we keep public radio on most of the time instead so mainly all we have to worry about is him going around to all the neighbors asking for money.
Public Face
I like to sit quietly in public places, she said, to make up for being so obnoxious in private.
Public Eye
Contains all the stuff I’ve decided to keep from the public for my own good
Of course I’m not happy, she said to me, but I’ve got a degree in psychology so at least I can explain why.
Psychic Energy
For a long time, he was trying to pop these balloons with psychic energy but he found a dart was simpler. I save my psychic energy for more important things, he told me, like trying to predict the future. I told him a dart is good for that too & now he never calls anymore.
We’re recommending SPF 1000 which is actually layers & layers of bulky clothing because we never want to have to see this again.
Proper Steps (masc)
I only do this until I get dizzy & then I lay down on my back & watch the clouds, he said. It sounds simple but you won’t believe how many people forget the second part.
Proper Steps
I only do this until I get dizzy & then I lay down on my back & watch the clouds, she said. It sounds simple but you won’t believe how many people forget the second part.
Promises to Myself
I will tell the truth unless I get confused & think I could get in real trouble if someone found out, in which case, I will lie as convincingly as possible for as long as I feel the need.
I only promise the little things. The big things don’t pay attention to what I want anyhow.