Laughter & Noise
There are lives I can imagine without children but none of them have the same laughter & noise.
Laughter & Digestion
There are only 2 things I take seriously, my aunt said once. Laughter & my digestion. I’m too old to bother with more than that.
Late Night
In the end, I think that I will like that we were sitting on the bed, talking & wondering where the time had gone.
Last Wish
I don’t care what you do when I’m gone, he told us. Just don’t bury me where the dog can find me.
Last Minute
I have to buy all my presents at the last minute, she said, or I get too excited & just give them away.
Landscape of the Heart (Masculine)
It is still so new & all we see is the empty space, but that is not how it is in the landscape of the heart. There, there is no empty space & he still laughs & grapples with ideas & plans & nods wisely with each of us in turn. We are proud to have known him. We are proud to have called him friend.
Landscape of the Heart (Feminine)
It is still so new & all we see is the empty space, but that is not how it is in the landscape of the heart. There, there is no empty space & she still laughs & grapples with ideas & plans & nods wisely with each of us in turn. We are proud to have known her. We are proud to have called her friend.
Labor Force
Do you make all this stuff up on your own? she said & I said I had a lot of people working for me day & night & most of them didn’t know it & I’m sure she was impressed until she figured out what I meant later on.
LA Hair
She told me she moved to LA so she could dye her hair & be in a band. A couple of years after that someone told me she’d quit her band to go to cosmetology school. I guess it was easier to give up music than to give up the hair.
L.A. Driving
learned to drive in L.A so it’s best just to get out of her way
Known Future
It doesn’t have to look any particular way, but around here, if it doesn’t, a lot of people will never speak to you again.
Knowing the Score
No one really keeps score, but if they did, we would’ve won 5 to 2.
Knowing Right
I’m not so good at taking my own advice, she said, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know what’s right.
Know Too Much
I have to hate you, she said. You know too much about me to be trusted.
These knees have stories, she said, but they’d have to be a mouth to tell you.
Kindred Spirits
You’re the strangest person I ever met, she said & I said you too & we decided we’d know each other a long time.
Kid Games
One time I was standing on a corner in Chicago & a man stopped his car & asked for directions to a place I knew & I said that’s too easy, ask me something harder & he yelled & said he wasn’t playing games kid & then he drove off & I think about him sometimes & wonder if he ever got there.
Just Weeds
running wildly into the spring wind chasing down all the dandelions before they turn into just weeds in a couple of years
Just Friends
I saw them standing there pretending to be just friends, when all the time in the world could not pry them apart.
Just Desserts
I only hate people that deserve it, she said. How do you know? I said. Trust me, she said. I know.