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Real Hero (fem)

Anyone can slay a dragon, she told me, but try waking up every morning & loving the world all over again. That’s what takes a real hero.

Birthdays (masc)

When people asked how old he was, he would say 1009365, more or less, because he was so glad to be alive that he counted every day a birthday. He had some disagreement from his knees about the actual figures though.

Teach Love

The best teachers
are the ones
who show you
how to use
your heart.


This is the
kind of love
that just keeps

Natural Bond

Maybe it doesn’t
have to be
so serious.
Maybe we don’t
have to make a big deal
out of spending
the rest of our lives

Real Magic

Life might be
a miracle,
but I never knew
until I met you.

True Happiness

Exhibit a.
This is a picture
of true happiness.

Summer Time

We can do anything
we want today.
Look how beautiful it is.

Walking Together

I am proud to see
the one you are,
and the one
you are becoming.
It is no small thing,
this chance I have
been given
to walk the road
beside you.

Dream Life

I don’t know
how to find the world
that lives in my dreams,
but in all of them
you are there,
so I think that
is the place to start.

Long Shot

What are the odds
that in the span of the infinite
galactic tangle of stars
and quasars and black holes,
somehow we found
each other?


It’s no mistake we have imagination and a pair of hands. We were born to cause trouble.


This is for the times
you held me in your thoughts,
I could be more.


One summer our house burned down.
I stood on the curb crying and watching it burn,
and my mom put her arm around me and said,
At least we didn’t lose anything important.


I’m impressed by your creativity, I said.
What’s your secret?
She took a long drag on her cigarette and said,
Being a mom, you learn how to improvise.

Banana Bred

I will never understand
how you managed to deal with us
and not lose your bananas,
but I guess some people
are just meant to be moms.

Mom Strong

If only we could bottle
some of what you’ve got,
we could fix the world,
because there’s nothing else
like being
mom strong.

Stubborn Love

All those times I wanted to quit,
slip out through the escape hatch
and disappear without a trace.
But you weren’t having it,
you and your stubborn love.

Test Blog Post

If you’re reading this, please be patient with us. We’re just now working on getting the Blogging features up-&-running.

Welcome Party

If you find yourself wondering when it will be your time,
congratulations, your time has come.