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Bird Costume

fond of dressing like a bird at every opportunity & then sneaking around at dusk scaring the bejeezus out of cats

Bigger Shoes

When I was young, I used to wear my father’s shoes & stomp around, making the world a better place for us all & today I see I’m not the only one who did that & those shoes aren’t anywhere big enough for who we are now.

Bigger Challenge

He tapped his fingers on the table. The way I see it, he said, I either need to find a bigger challenge or I need to start drinking decaf.

Big Stuff

I only worry about the big stuff now, she said. The little stuff gives me a headache because of the bifocals.

Big Strange Family (feminine)

I don’t think of it as working for world peace, she said. I think of it as just trying to get along in a really big strange family.

Big Strange Family

I don’t think of it as working for world peace, he said. I think of it as just trying to get along in a really big strange family.

Big Purse

I never trusted her for a minute, she said. Her purse was way too big.

Big Plans

Your job is to focus on my personal happiness, she said, & I’ve got big plans, so break time is over.

Big Job

When do you get to be a grown-up? she said.
When you can read & write & lie without laughing, I said
& her eyes got big & she said she didn’t know it was that hard

Big Hat

I said I could not see her eyes under her hat & she smiled mysteriously & said she liked it that way.

Big Hair

This is a bag filled with big hair & even though it doesn’t weigh much, you have to be careful how you handle it because it’s toxic.

Big Breakfast

The only thing that keeps me together some days is an unwavering belief in balance, he said. I try to eat a big breakfast, too.

Beyond Caring

I don’t have many vices beyond caring what other people think, she said, but that’s a big one.

Between the Noise

I yell way too much at my kids, but they’re smart enough to read between the noise.

Better Trap

trapped mainly by wanting things to be exactly as they are,
only better

Better Luck

This is just one of those lives you try & get through, she told me. I’m hoping for better luck next time.

Better Childhood

It’s only fair when I yell at you, she said to me once. You had a better childhood.

Best of Times

I’d like to leave you with something valuable, she said. You probably already have, I said, but we take most of our lives to remember that, even in the best of times

Best Choice

If I have to choose, my son said, I’ll take them all. That’s no choice, I said. Obviously, he said, you’ve forgotten how choice works.

Benign Neglect

If I ran the world, he told me, I’d pretty much leave it alone & spend my time reading & I’d advise other people to do the same. Which is why I’ll probably never run the world, he said.