Children & Parenting
Our Story
Tell me again about the first time we met. It’s my favorite story.
Wild Magic
You don’t know who they will be, the ones who open your eyes to life’s wild magic, but when you find them, it will not be hard to tell.
Earthmother (for Heidi)
It might seem a perilous undertaking of the spirit, to see what beauty is still alive in this world of smoke, and speed, and fear, but as I question if there is hope for us in the times to come, I remember you in your garden, smiling, and showing us that hope is everywhere if you know where to look.
There are more with a spark like the one you carry in your loving heart, so I know we will never be lost.
Secret Admirer
I probably won’t admit it in person, but I think you’re pretty great.
Core Team
Don’t take your family for granted, because people who love you even after they know you don’t come along every day.
Bad Monsters
Trying to pass themselves off as monsters, but the smile in their eyes keeps giving it away.
For everything you’ve done and everything you are, thank you. You are the light that shines.
When I wasn’t sure if it was
worth it
to keep going,
because of how hard it was,
you were there
to show me
it wasn’t going to be easy,
but it was going to be worth it.
We Missed You
Warm rough hands,
worn work boots,
dirt on the pants
and a dance in his eyes.
Hey everybody,
dad’s home.
Quiet Way
You arrived
when you were most needed
and held the ground steady
in your quiet way.
For us, there is no question,
we could never have made it this far
without you.
Teach Love
The best teachers
are the ones
who show you
how to use
your heart.
This is the
kind of love
that just keeps
Walking Together
I am proud to see
the one you are,
and the one
you are becoming.
It is no small thing,
this chance I have
been given
to walk the road
beside you.
It’s no mistake we have imagination and a pair of hands. We were born to cause trouble.
This is for the times
you held me in your thoughts,
I could be more.
One summer our house burned down.
I stood on the curb crying and watching it burn,
and my mom put her arm around me and said,
At least we didn’t lose anything important.
I’m impressed by your creativity, I said.
What’s your secret?
She took a long drag on her cigarette and said,
Being a mom, you learn how to improvise.
Banana Bred
I will never understand
how you managed to deal with us
and not lose your bananas,
but I guess some people
are just meant to be moms.
Mom Strong
If only we could bottle
some of what you’ve got,
we could fix the world,
because there’s nothing else
like being
mom strong.