
Wild Magic

You don’t know who they will be, the ones who open your eyes to life’s wild magic, but when you find them, it will not be hard to tell.

Earthmother (for Heidi)

When I think of you, it is with thoughts of butterflies and flowers. I did not know their names until you told me, like a precious secret, like this knowledge was the only true wealth, and how lucky that we could be rich together. Perhaps I would not know to love the world from the roots up, as you do, without your quiet enthusiasm for everything that grows.
It might seem a perilous undertaking of the spirit, to see what beauty is still alive in this world of smoke, and speed, and fear, but as I question if there is hope for us in the times to come, I remember you in your garden, smiling, and showing us that hope is everywhere if you know where to look.


There are more with a spark like the one you carry in your loving heart, so I know we will never be lost.

Other Worlds

We are not so far away from the world of giants and secrets and magic.


Nothing feels more like everything than love.

Closet Optimist

This isn’t a popular opinion, but secretly I think things are going to work out.


For everything you’ve done and everything you are, thank you. You are the light that shines.

Higher Path

There is a way up toward the better world we have seen in our dreams, but these stairs won’t build themselves.


When I wasn’t sure if it was
worth it
to keep going,
because of how hard it was,
you were there
to show me
it wasn’t going to be easy,
but it was going to be worth it.

Light Within

The light
inside of one
is enough
to change
the world,
so imagine
what we
can do
with two.

Quiet Way

You arrived
when you were most needed
and held the ground steady
in your quiet way.
For us, there is no question,
we could never have made it this far
without you.

Real Hero (fem)

Anyone can slay a dragon, she told me, but try waking up every morning & loving the world all over again. That’s what takes a real hero.

Teach Love

The best teachers
are the ones
who show you
how to use
your heart.


This is the
kind of love
that just keeps

Summer Time

We can do anything
we want today.
Look how beautiful it is.

Walking Together

I am proud to see
the one you are,
and the one
you are becoming.
It is no small thing,
this chance I have
been given
to walk the road
beside you.


It’s no mistake we have imagination and a pair of hands. We were born to cause trouble.


This is for the times
you held me in your thoughts,
I could be more.

Mom Strong

If only we could bottle
some of what you’ve got,
we could fix the world,
because there’s nothing else
like being
mom strong.

Welcome Party

If you find yourself wondering when it will be your time,
congratulations, your time has come.