Month: October 2019

For Granted

It’s easy to focus on the things that are not going so well and forget that there is still so much to be grateful for. Like the fact we are a bundle of cosmic soup bound together by pure energy and running a 4 dimensional hallucination program we call consciousness. It’s neat.

Mitten Weather

It’s probably not a good sign that I’m ready for winter to be over and it’s October.

Act Gently

How many of us are fighting, each day, to hold on to something solid, when inside, everything feels like it’s falling apart? Act gently. Use your words as words, and not as swords, because the last thing we need is another battle when we are already at war with ourselves.


Being a leader doesn’t mean being the biggest, meanest dog in the cage, it means knowing when to sit down, shut up, and listen to the feedback.

Big Self

Moon and stars, near and far, it’s all a part of who we are.

Story People

Imagine a world where we listen to everyone’s stories and learn we are not as different as we are the same.

Still Time

There is still time to build a world of peace, of easy words and bright rooms, where everywhere we go we will be home.