
Young Tomatoes

My grandma used to plant tomato seedlings in tin cans from tomato sauce & puree & crushed tomatoes she got from the Italian restaurant by her house, but she always soaked the labels off first. I don’t want them to be anxious about the future, she said. It’s not healthy.

Raspberry Patch

My great-grandmother sent us out to pick raspberries in her garden while she watched the first moon walk on TV. You’ll have plenty of time to see things like that, she said, but those raspberries were carried overland by your great-great-grandfather. She was very wise. I see pictures of the moon walk all the time, … [Read More]

Odd Couple

My grandmother was big & solid. My grandfather was tall & thin. They looked an unlikely couple. I asked them once how they ended up together. My grandmother said she won him fair & square in an arm-wrestling match. My grandpa just smiled. I let you win, he said.


We’re here to end it, I said & she said, No, we’re here to begin it & then she turned & opened her arms & everywhere I could see, there were people, like bright birds, calling with a thousand voices & suddenly I understood. Here is where it begins with all of us, together giving … [Read More]

Hundred Percent

I’m of the opinion that people don’t know what they’re talking about 90 percent of the time, my grandpa said & my grandma smiled & said , O, you’re too late. The 10 percent slot filled up a few minutes ago. & we could hear him muttering all the way back out to the garden

Chocolate Voyage

Every afternoon my grandmother would have 2 chocolates with her coffee. I asked her once how many she thought she had eaten in her life. If you laid them all end to end to the moon & back, she said, I’d be sitting right here even as we speak & then we celebrated her return … [Read More]

City Windows

My grandmother told me once that a city has enough windows for everybody. I still want to believe her.