It makes sense to make a map of places where you can get eaten by bears, or where there’s a bottomless pit, but when you get into making maps of your mind, you’re basically wasting your time.
I asked her what she planned to do with her life & she said she was way beyond that point already. I’m just happy I remember to be there when it happens, she said.
He said who invented evil? & I said I wasn’t sure anybody invented it, it just happened when somebody got tired of all the effort it took to live right. They probably didn’t have anyone to teach them, he said & I thought to myself, we might be doing this right after all.
One day he decided he was more dependent on the kindness of women than he liked so he went off to hunt wild beasts with his bare hands. But all he found was a stray dog & a couple of old pigeons & it was cold & he missed the sound of soft voices, so … [Read More]
really wanting to work up to 3 dimensions, but not sure it’ll be as fun as everyone says. It’s hard to trust anyone who’s already doing it, he said. They never remember what they lost to get there.
In my dream, the angel shrugged & said, If we fail this time, it will be a failure of imagination & then she placed the world gently in the palm of my hand.