growing up

Walking Big

walking with loud giant steps while he can because he’s already noticed that when you grow up, even if you do keep walking as big as you can, you have to be quiet about it, or other people get headaches

Twin Sister

When I was young I told everyone I had a twin sister. One day, after we had been to see the relatives, my mother told me I was too old to play that game any more. So I stopped talking about her & after awhile, she finally went away. But I’m grown up now & … [Read More]

Listening to the Wind

Is there a lot of stuff you don’t understand? she said & I said pretty much the whole thing & she nodded & said that’s what she thought, but it was nice to hear it anyway & we sat there in the porch swing, listening to the wind & growing up together.


When I was younger I used to keep all the stuff I had in my pockets. There were a lot of rocks & little shiny things. As I got older it got to be too much to carry & I couldn’t remember why I kept it anyway so I finally got rid of it. Now, … [Read More]

Inventing Evil

He said who invented evil? & I said I wasn’t sure anybody invented it, it just happened when somebody got tired of all the effort it took to live right. They probably didn’t have anyone to teach them, he said & I thought to myself, we might be doing this right after all.